all postcodes in LS7 / LEEDS

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Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS7 1AB 28 26 53.808597 -1.532078
LS7 1AD 22 17 53.806622 -1.53344
LS7 1AF 2 2 53.80434 -1.535359
LS7 1AG 3 3 53.806387 -1.534896
LS7 1AH 12 10 53.805391 -1.535165
LS7 1AL 1 1 53.80501 -1.534335
LS7 1AP 2 2 53.804476 -1.533445
LS7 1AQ 4 4 53.807037 -1.533173
LS7 1AT 1 1 53.804169 -1.533099
LS7 1AX 4 4 53.803699 -1.530679
LS7 1AZ 1 1 53.805403 -1.533662
LS7 1BA 8 8 53.804935 -1.531177
LS7 1BL 3 2 53.805558 -1.531929
LS7 1BQ 4 4 53.809128 -1.526032
LS7 1BT 1 1 53.808473 -1.532732
LS7 1DA 33 1 53.805675 -1.536666
LS7 1DB 3 1 53.804128 -1.538581
LS7 1DE 31 0 53.804147 -1.539051
LS7 1DF 98 0 53.803961 -1.537797
LS7 1DG 7 0 53.804263 -1.536408